ASReml 4.0 [01 Jan 2013] ASREML mean model iteration1 Build kr [17 Apr 2014] 64 bit Windows x64 20 Oct 2015 11:47:50.913 512 Mbyte biv Licensed to: WUR 30-apr-2016 ***************************************************************** * Contact for licensing and support * * * * This is the Beta version containing facilities * * that are included for beta testing. * * * * Please send feedback on any issues to * * * * * *********************************************************** ARG * Folder: E:\tuesday_pract\bivariate animal !P x 2 !I ped.dat !MAKE Reading pedigree file ped.dat: skipping 0 lines 20200 identities in the pedigree over 1 generations. For first parent labelled Sire, second labelled Dam Sire Sire_of_Sire Dam_of_Sire Dam Sire_of_Dam Dam_of_Dam 100 0 0 10000 0 0 Using an adapted version of Meuwissen & Luo GSE 1992 305-313: PEDIGREE [ped.dat ] has 20200 identities, 50490 Non zero elements GIV0 NRM 20200 7 -7000.79 QUALIFIERS: !MAXIT 100 Reading cows.dat FREE FORMAT skipping 0 lines Univariate analysis of Pheno Summary of 10000 records retained of 10000 read Model term Size #miss #zero MinNon0 Mean MaxNon0 StndDevn 1 animal !P 20200 0 0 10201 15201 20200 2 sire 0 0 1.0000 50.50 100.00 28.87 3 dam 0 0 101.0 5100. 0.1010E+05 2887. 4 herd 0 0 1.0000 50.50 100.00 28.87 5 hys 0 0 0.2010E+06 0.2505E+06 0.3000E+06 0.2887E+05 6 Am 0 0 -1.942 -0.1809E-01 2.244 0.5383 7 Asl 0 0 -1.206 -0.7607E-02 1.170 0.3061 8 Av 0 10000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 9 x 2 0 0 1 1.5100 2 10 E 0 0 -3.174 -0.8363E-02 3.035 0.8409 11 Pheno Variate 0 0 -4.000 -0.2839E-01 3.604 1.022 12 x.animal 40400 9 x : 2 1 animal : 20200 4900 ID 4900 units in section 1; initial variance 0.39405 5100 ID 5100 units in section 2; initial variance 0.44003 2 US [ 6: 8] 0.3000 0.2000 0.3000 20200 NRM Structure for x.animal has 40400 levels defined Forming 40402 equations: 2 dense. Initial updates will be shrunk by factor 0.316 1 LogL=-5433.86 S2= 1.00000 9998 df 2 LogL=-5216.25 S2= 1.00000 9998 df 3 LogL=-5029.92 S2= 1.00000 9998 df 4 LogL=-4956.80 S2= 1.00000 9998 df 5 LogL=-4955.32 S2= 1.00000 9998 df 6 LogL=-4955.32 S2= 1.00000 9998 df - - - Results from analysis of Pheno - - - Akaike Information Criterion 9920.63 (assuming 5 parameters). Bayesian Information Criterion 9956.68 Model_Term Sigma Sigma Sigma/SE % C Residual_1 SCA_V 4900 0.752794 0.752794 19.43 0 P Residual_2 SCA_V 5100 0.717962 0.717962 13.42 0 P x.animal US_V 1 1 0.233964 0.233964 5.30 0 U x.animal US_C 2 1 0.276273 0.276273 5.87 0 U x.animal US_V 2 2 0.381838 0.381838 5.83 0 U Covariance/Variance/Correlation Matrix US x.animal 0.2340 0.9243 0.2763 0.3818 Wald F statistics Source of Variation NumDF F-inc 9 x 2 0.57 Solution Standard Error T-value T-prev 9 x 1 -0.194034E-01 0.278460E-01 -0.70 2 -0.361763E-01 0.339548E-01 -1.07 -0.72 12 x.animal 40400 effects fitted Finished: 20 Oct 2015 11:48:27.885 LogL Converged