Animal Breeding:
Use of New Technologies
Editors: Kinghorn, B.P., Van der Werf, J. and Ryan, M.
ISBN: 0 646 38713 8
Year: 2000
Publisher: Post Graduate Foundation in Veterinary Science, University of Sydney.
Price:     AU$  95. Discount for members of AGDG and students: AU$77 (+$7 for postage)
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" A textbook for consultants, farmers, teachers
   and students of animal breeding"

Genetic markers are now being used to give DNA tests for genes affecting animal performance. Oocyte harvesting and cloning are being added to artificial insemination and embryo transfer as tools for reproductive manipulation.  Veterinary surgeons are not only in demand to carry out these technologies, but they find themselves giving advice on the design of breeding programs which they drive, and the selection of target animals. Genetic markers promise to help avoid genetic disorders, and make gains in carcass traits and disease resistance.  Fast-turnover juvenile schemes give lower selection accuracy but potentially much more gain per year. Cloning can lead to significant jumps in productivity and uniformity at the commercial level, but at high cost.  How do we exploit these technologies to maximise gains, maintain genetic variation, avoid inbreeding and minimise costs and maintain animal welfare? This book provides insight into the design and implementation of breeding programs to maximise return from investment in new technology.

Table of Contents

Chapter Title Author Page
1 An overview of animal breeding and the role of new technologies. Julius van der Werf 1
2 The building blocks of quantitative genetics.  Brian Kinghorn 11
Animal breeding - a refresher
3 Simple selection theory and the improvement of selection accuracy. Julius van der Werf 19
4 The genetic basis of crossbreeding Brian Kinghorn 35
5 Estimated breeding values and their properties. Julius van der Werf 55
6 Use of information from relatives in genetic evaluation. Julius van der Werf 73
Use of molecular technologies
7 Genetic maps and detection of major genes. Brian Kinghorn 99
8 DNA tests and segregation analysis to help manage genetic disorders. Brian Kinghorn 111
9 Marker Assisted Selection Julius van der Werf 119
10 DNA fingerprinting for routine pedigreeing. Natalie Barnett 131
Design of breeding programs - an overview
11 Key issues in breeding program design. Brian Kinghorn 141
12 Nucleus breeding schemes Brian Kinghorn 151
13 A special case – the design of dairy breeding programs.

Exercise on design – the effect of prolificacy on optimal age structures.

Julius van der Werf 159
Use of reproductive technologies
14 Reproductive technology – theory and practice. Michael J. D'Occhio 171
15 Inbreeding and the effects of increased prolificacy Julius van der Werf 187
16 Boosting fecundity - the roles and value of AI, MOET, Oocyte pickup and IVF in animal breeding. Brian Kinghorn 199
17 Cloning technology – theory and practice Michael J. D'Occhio 213
18 Animal production and breeding systems to exploit cloning technology. Brian Kinghorn 237
19 Sexing of semen and embryos - methods and value. Michael J. D'Occhio 247
Implementation of progressive breeding programs
20 Description and targeting of breeding objectives. Brian Kinghorn 265
21 Genetic improvement in the animal breeding industries. Robert Banks 277
22 Tactical approaches to implementing breeding designs. Brian Kinghorn 291
Introduction to computer aided learning modules. 



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