QTL Course:  June 2000  Belo Horizonte - Brasil:
Brian Kinghorn  & Julius van der Werf
University of New England
Armidale, Australia
0 - pdf                                                                                        Course Cover 
                     Table of Contents
Chapter Title Author Page
 Part I: Introduction and building blocks
1 - pdf Overview of animal breeding and the role of QTL  Julius van der Werf 1
2 - pdf The building blocks of quantitative genetics.  Brian Kinghorn 9
3 - pdf Calculation of genotype probabilities from phenotypic data or DNA tests Brian Kinghorn 23
4 - pdf Introduction to some aspects of Molecular Genetics  Julius van der Werf 35
Part II Linkage analysis and gene mapping
5 - pdf Basics of linkage and mapping Julius van der Werf 45
 Part III Detection and mapping of QTL
6 - pdf Principles of estimating QTL effects (single markers) Brian Kinghorn 55
7 - pdf Use of multiple markers: interval mapping Julius van der Werf 61
8 - pdf QTL detection in designed experiments  and in outbred populations Brian Kinghorn 71
9 - pdf Methods for QTL analysis Julius van der Werf 79
10 - pdf Genetic models for detecting multiple QTL Julius van der Werf 91
11 - pdf Multiple trait models for QTL analysis Brian Kinghorn 99
12 - pdf Experimental strategies for QTL detection Jack Dekkers 105
13 - pdf Fine mapping and IBD mapping Julius van der Werf 109
14 - pdf Positional cloning, candidate genes, and comparative mapping Brian Kinghorn 115
Part IV Marker Assisted Selection
15 - pdf Basics of marker assisted selection Julius van der Werf 119
16 - pdf Implementation of direct and indirect markers Brian Kinghorn 129
17 - pdf  Genetic evaluation at individual QTL Julius van der Werf 139
18 - pdf Examples of marker assisted selection  Julius van der Werf 147
19 - pdf Targeting QTL using mate selection Brian Kinghorn 153
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excel spreadsheet on QTL mapping

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