Dates: Date: 7-18February 2005
click on topic for more detail, materials and slides
Module A Defining and Realizing Breeding Objectives
Chapter 1 Breeding Objectives John Gibson Notes Slides
Chapter 2 Multiple Trait Selection Julius van der Werf Notes Slides1
Chapter 3 Desired Outcomes Brian Kinghorn Notes Slides
Module B Skills in Scientific Writing
David Lindsay (from 2003) Slides
Module C Genetic analysis with ASReml
Arthur Gilmour Slides A about 3 Mb each!
Photos: Course participants (Module C) Weekend activities: gorge swim
With thanks to sponsorships from the Australian livestock industries:
Australian Wool Innovation Meat and Livestock Australia
Animal Animal Breeding Summer Course 2003 Materials
Animal Animal Breeding Summer Course 2004 Materials
back to homepage Julius van der Werf
back to index AABSC 2004 Materials